Monday, October 4, 2010

Posture makes perfect

We all met up at O2 modern fitness for a bike fit clinic.  Kurt mostly talked about how to sit correctly rather than look at everyone individually and tell them what's wrong with their bike. Greg and I had already been working at getting our bikes set up properly, so I welcomed the advice on proper posture.  Here are the two most important things I learned from the bike fit clinic:

1) Having a flat back does not mean holding your back like you're sitting up straight.  You want your lower back to be flat on the bike.  Slump a little on the bike and engage your abs...perfect.

2) Keeping your knees as close to the bike as possible makes you use more of your upper leg muscles and makes climbing more bearable.  After the clinic we went for a ride.

Downtown to Camino de Oeste and back

Wow what a difference a little change in position makes!  I felt one with the bike.  Kurt, the bike fit expert, had nothing for me except, "You have perfect cycling posture."  I was so proud.  There was a gradual uphill bit from mile 12 to the end.  I was fighting a headwind, but managed to catch up to another rider.  We talked about the tour, all the while fighting a headwind going up and up.  She started to sound a little winded, and I realized I wasn't...I just kept going.  I wanted to shout, "Hey everybody! Look at this! I'm not winded!"  I kept it all inside but picked up the pace so I could catch up with Greg and tell him how great I was feeling.  He was happy for me, obviously.  We finished the route front of the pack.

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