Sunday, October 24, 2010

BTE yard sale success

We are half way to our fundraising goal!  Big thanks to everyone who sent us their treasures (a.k.a. useless crap) to sell at the yard sale today.  People ate it up.  We started the day with two tables overflowing with nicknacks and a full row of boxes of books underneath.  By the end of the day, we only had three printer boxes of stuff left.  I wish I'd taken before and after photos for the blog...I'm sure it would have been riveting for you all.

If I could use the ongoing currency war as an analogy for the day's yard sale was Greg and me as China versus everyone else as the world.  What can I say?  I'm from the W. R. Hughes school of yard sale prices...just get rid of it fast.

In the end we raised (drumroll please) $136


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