Friday, September 24, 2010

Long time no blog

Been too busy riding to blog!  Seriously!  

First things first.  Big shout out to the wonderful folks who sent us our first donations!  We are a tenth of the way toward reaching our goal!  As my favorite talking bike likes to say, cancer is the biggest douchebag of all.  We can help fight it.  

I'm going to try to back off the exclamation marks from here on out...but not the ellipsis... ...

We (Greg and I, not the royal we) went to an introductory spinning class at O2 Modern Fitness last Saturday.  Spinning is indoor cycling.  An instructor helps you set your cadence and resistance and keeps you from slacking off.  Sweating and fun were maximized to the extreme.  I LOVED it.  I could focus on my cadence and my breath, relaxing the shoulders, tightening my core, etc. without worrying about getting run over or left behind.

AND I already saw an improvement during our second group ride on Sunday.  The other ladies had nothing on me.  No sickness.  I attacked those baby hills like the infants that they were.  Greg and I actually finished the ride first by a good ten minutes.  Somehow we got separated right before the turn around point.  I thought he had gotten lost, and he thought I had a flat tire.  We both headed back to look for each other, met up, and kept going.  Leaving everyone else in the dust.  Oh and Greg's frankenstein bike rocked.

We get a week free at the O2 the spinning gym to try out their other classes.  I've gone to three others and really enjoyed getting my rear kicked in all of them.  

Jen out

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