Saturday, November 20, 2010

Packet pickup and pasta

This week has flown by.  On Wednesday we went to the El Tour Fitness Expo to pick up our rider's packet.  It has our numbers (7351 and 7352) and our little ankle race timer thingy.  The expo was pretty cool.  Greg got an 2009 El Tour Jersey and some cycling socks.  I loaded up on Tram bars and Shot bloks at Mac's booth.  We also got a lot of cute freebies from the UMC booth.  Sunscreen, blinky lights, bandaids, water bottles, key chains, etc.

On Friday we went to the BTE pasta party.  It was fun to hang out with all our group ride buddies...although it was pretty difficult to recognize some of them in plain clothes.  I got the low down on all the hard parts of the race.  Everyone says that the 66 milers (that us) have to ride the hardest part of the tour, but the only scary part I haven't ridden already is Snyder Hill.  Who cares though. If I have to walk it...I walk it.  Bring it on!

We head to the starting line in one hour and 15min.  Wish us luck today!  May the wind be at our backs and our tires never flat.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Next stop: El Tour

Back in the saddle again.  Sorry for the forced hiatus.  I was at the 14th International Conference on Harmful Algae in Hersonissos, Crete.  It was a great trip.

Sadly, it was my first week completely bike free since August. Then I caught a cold! Finally got back on my bike today for the last BTE group ride before El Tour.  We met at 6:30 am to ride the upper portion of the tour route.  It was cold out...for Tucson.  Greg and I need our winter cycling gear asap.  Everyone was all bundled up with their leg warmers and arm warmers and ear warmers and toe warmers.  Lucky for Greg, he was able to pick up a nice wind breaker at the Bike Swap yesterday.  Unfortunately for me, they didn't have my size.

I can't remember the last time my toes were that cold.  They were little toe-cicles that felt like they were going to snap off my foot with every bump in the road.  Mac suggested I try putting a layer of plastic wrap between my socks and shoes next time.  Galen recommends duct tape over the shoes.  Those ideas sound good, but a nice pair of neoprene toe warmers for christmas sounds even better.

We rode 56 miles!  That's only 10 less than El Tour.  And poor Greg was getting over the flu.  He was bedridden Wednesday through Friday.  What a trooper.